
In-Place-Implementation Policy

using policy = impl_ptr_policy;

struct InPlace : boost::impl_ptr<InPlace, policy::inplace, policy::storage<64>> { ... };

Then InPlace could be used no differently from other Pimpl-based classes:

InPlace s11 (3); BOOST_TEST(s11.value() == 3);
InPlace s12 (5); BOOST_TEST(s12.value() == 5);
InPlace s13 = boost::impl_ptr<InPlace>::null();

// Check that implementation is allocated on the stack.
BOOST_TEST((void*) &s11 == (void*) &*s11);

s11 = s12;          BOOST_TEST(s11.value() == 5);
s11 = InPlace(6);   BOOST_TEST(s11.value() == 6);

Then, due to efficiency requirements or heap constraints, we might decide to switch from

// std::allocator-based implementation allocation
struct Book : boost::impl_ptr<Book>::copied { ... };


// std::allocator-based implementation allocation
struct Book : boost::impl_ptr<Book, policy::copied> { ... };


// Custom-allocator-based implementation allocation
struct Book : boost::impl_ptr<Book, policy::copied, my_allocator> { ... };

and then to

// Stack-based implementation allocation
struct Book : boost::impl_ptr<Book, policy::inplace, policy::storage<64>> { ... };

with minimal or no disruption to the existing code.

The policy::storage<64> argument specifies the memory size to be allocated, in bytes, and, optionally, the alignment as in policy::storage<64, alignof(void*)>. The default alignment is at least the strictest alignment for any type of the given size.

Then, if necessary, a restricted policy::always_inplace version of this policy can be deployed to create a Pimpl-enabled value-semantics class with no uninitialized state and no Pimpl-related memory overhead:

struct InPlace : boost::impl_ptr<InPlace, policy::always_inplace, policy::storage<64>> { ... };

// The line below won't compile. 
// InPlace does not have an uninitialized 'null' state.
InPlace s13 = boost::impl_ptr<InPlace>::null();


template<> struct boost::impl_ptr<InPlace>::implementation
  std::int32_t data[16];

static_assert(sizeof(InPlace) == sizeof(boost::impl_ptr<InPlace>::implementation),
    "Memory overhead where none was expected!");
